By Coming Directly to the Service Center : Website3

5 Ways to Contact the Lenovo Service Center Update  2021

Lenovo is one of the largest brands in the country. There are also many Lenovo service centers  that were built in this country as a form of maximum service from Lenovo to its customers. This certainly brings a lot of advantages for you.

As we know, Lenovo products  are divided into smartphones, laptops, and various other electronic products. Of course, you can arrange all these products in the service center. But be sure to communicate first with the service center so as not to take the wrong step.

So far, there are 5 most effective ways you  can do to contact Call Center wherever you are. Pajust those ways. Simak fully explains in the points below :

Contact Service Center Via Email

The first way you can  do this is to contact the Lenovo service  center  via email. To communicate via email, this method is also very easy.  You can easily do this via a smartphone or laptop.

But of course there are steps you need  to take to contact the service center via email. For more information, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open email on  your smartphone or browser
  2. At the destination of the content with SC Lenovo’s legal address  in
  3. In the subject column fill in the format “your name  – product type” without quotes
  4. In the email content first enter your  biodata  such as name, place of birth date, address, type of  your Lenovo  smartphone / laptop , problems experienced
  5. Ikklikkja s-sottomissjoni

Wait until the service center team contacts you afterwards. Usually responses are made within 1×24 hours among the week. But if you email on holiday, it seems you have  to wait until the workday arrives to get an answer. After getting an email from you, Lenovo will provide further steps that can be taken.

Contact Service Center By Phone

Another way you  can do this is to contact the Lenovo service  center  through the phone line. Nor is the method difficult. If you are indeed in an area that already has a service center, you can directly contact the service center number in that area.

However, if there is no official service center in your area,  you can contact the office number of the central service center at +62 21 3002 1000. The center of  Lenovo  will direct you to take the next steps. For free services, you can also call 007-803-3315-108.

Or you can also call the number 021-5085-1755 for standard credit services. For Lenovo Ideapad users, you can contact the official office Monday to Friday from 8:30 WIB to 17:30 WIB. Likewise for Lenovo Thinkpad users.

Contact via Medsos Service Center

Another way you can take to contact this service center is through social media. Currently Lenovo has provided several official social media accounts that you can  contact freely during working time.

If you are a Twitter user, you can contact  the  Lenovo service center  team via the Lenovo Indonesia account in twitter@Lenovo_ID. Only communicate your  needs directly with the CS team that uses the account.

In addition  , you can also contact the service center team via Lenovo Indonesia’s Instagram account  in instagram@Lenovoid.

You can also contact the service center on whatsapp at +6221 50851766. This will make it easier  for you to communicate directly with the service center team that keeps the number.

Contact Service Center Via Live Chat

In addition to the three methods mentioned above, you can also communicate with  the  Lenovo service center  team  via live chat that was provided by Lenovo on its website. To access this live chat feature, you can access Lenovo’s official website on the .com https:// Lenovo, then click the contact menu. At the bottom, click the Live Chat option.

You will immediately be taken to a new page where you can talk to the  Lenovo team  in it. Just communicate your needs and problems directly to the team that manages the live chat feature. They direct you directly to the solution of the problem at issue.

By Coming Directly to the Service Center

If the above methods do not give you satisfaction, it can also come directly to service centers spread across various regions of the country. Not only in large cities, this Service Center has even entered remote areas.

This is proof that Lenovo itself has never touched down to provide services to its customers. For more details , you can see the list of service centers below:


  1. Lenovo Jakarta Service Center
  • Partner Name: PT. Success in Interdata Technology

Indirizz: Taman Semanan Indah Plaza De Lumina Blok A Complex No.19, Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng.

Phone number : 021-29030728

  • Nama Partner : Lenovo Smartphone Service Center

Address : Ambassador of the MallAmbassador Mall Lt. 2 Blok B No. 37, Jakarta

Phone number : 021-5762539

  • Nama Partner : Lenovo Smartphone Service Center

Indirizz: Roxy Mas ITC Roxy Mas Lt. 4 Nru 18, Jl. Kyai Hasyim Ashari, Central Jakarta.

Phone number : 021-6319647

  • Isem tas-Sieħeb : Pacific Agung Trijaya

Alamat : Komplek Gading Bukit Indah Blok TA 10-11, Jalan Gading Bukit Raya, Jakarta

Phone number : 021-29450966

  1. Lenovo West Java Service Center

2.1.      Partner Name: Lenovo Service Center Bandung (Primalayan)

Indirizz : Ruko Paskal Hypersquare Blok C 26

Phone number: 0271-729911

2.2.      Partner Name: ITSC Bandung

Indirizz : Ruko Triangle Mas Blok A3

Phone number : 022-91139756

2.3.      Sieħeb nama : IBM An’s Comp

Indirizz : Jl Pagongan Nru 120, Cirebon

Phone number : 0231-226612

2.4.      Partner Name:  Cirebon Lenovo Service Center

Indirizz : Jalan Kesambi Baru RW.05 Nru.28

Phone number : 0231-231384

  1. Lenovo Central Java Service Center

3.1.      Nama Partner:  Lenovo Smartphone Service Center

Indirizz : Ruko Citraland Blok B No.11, Jalan Sipelem Raya, Tegal

Phone number : 0283-340909

3.2.      Partner’s Name: ITSC Purwokerto Indokom

ALamat : Ruko Satria Plaza Blok A Nru 1, Jalan Jend Sudirman, Purwokerto

Phone number : 0281-621700

3.3.      Nama Partner: Lenovo Smartphone Service Center

Indirizz : Jalan Overste Isdiman 17B, Purwokerto / Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.30B, Gandasuli, Purwokerto

Phone number : 0281-6512451

3.4.      Partner Name:  Lenovo Semarang Service Center (Primalayan)

Indirizz: Ruko Peterongan Plaza Blok A-10, Jalan MT. Haryono No.719, Wonodri, Semarang

Phone number : 024-8413250


  1. Yogyakarta Lenovo Service Center

4.1.      Nama Partner:  Lenovo Smartphone Service Center

Indirizz: Bustling Shopping Mall Lt. 2 Nru A26, Jalan Ahmad Yani Nru 73, Yogyakarta

Phone number: 0274-557015

4.2.      Partner Name: Primalayan Yogyakarta (Datascrip)

Indirizz: Ruko Niaga, Jalan Gajah Mada Nru 21 23, Pakualaman

Phone number: 0274 510737

4.3.      Partner Name:  Yogyakarta Lenovo Service Center  (Primalayan)

Indirizz: Pjazza Ruko Yap Blok B8, Jalan C. Simanjuntak Jogyakarta

Phone number : 0274-3159220

  1. Lenovo East Java Service Center

5.1.      Name of Partners: Primalayan Madiun

Indirizz : Jalan S. Parman No.38 F, Oro-oro Ombo, Kartoharjo, Madiun

Phone number: 0351 500155

5.2.      Nama Partner: Lenovo Smartphone Service Center

Indirizz: MASTECH Blok F11 (Pjazza Maspion), Jl. A. Yani 78, Surabaya

Phone number : 031-8477889

5.3.      Partner Name: Plaza Bitcom

Indirizz : Jalan PB Sudirman No.60, Patrang, Jember

Phone number: 0331-481822

To find out more details about other service center addresses, you can access Lenovo’s official website  at https://support. All Lenovo service centers  that are official and recognized by Lenovo Indonesia will be clearly listed.

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